Running Up A Tab

February 17, 2022 0 Comments

It may be hard to see in this semi-fuzzy picture, but there are little tabs here at the neckline. I am such a sucker for little tabs, which I think I have actually attached only once.

I think this would be cute attached up in a silk print, because of the drapey neckline and the panel-y skirt, although maybe it would also work in liberty cotton (easier to put pockets in the panels in cotton)  … I bought this amazing orange silk a while back and it keeps whispering to me. Or actually, shouting: “Make me … NOW!” It’s getting hard to ignore, and to explain to my family why I’m having calm and reasoned discussions (“You need more attention than I can give you right now, you’ll just have to be patient …”) with pieces of fabric.

The expression on the face of Blue dress tickles me, too; it’s something like “I’m going to just rest my unfocused eyes somewhere up there until Daisy there stops doing whatever embarrassing thing she’s doing right now.”

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