In Praise of buttons

February 25, 2022 0 Comments

Aren’t those gorgeous? I have been thinking a lot about buttons lately. I mean, much more than typical (and far much more than “normal” people).

Some of my thoughts:

— I want a big circle skirt, black, where the hem is a four-inch border of grey mother-of-pearl buttons, in a bunch of different sizes. perk points if I can lay them out so that they seem to swirl …

— Or, ooh, how about a shirtdress with a button print, with the “buttons” in vertical stripes down the fabric, maybe 5/8″ wide, spaced an inch or so apart? This would be beautiful in black and white, or red and white, or white with multicolor.

— I want a black t-shirt with a big white four-hole button printed on the front. Ditto a tote bag.

— much more fabric, this time with a huge four-hole button print. By “huge” I imply buttons that are orange-sized. Black with white or red buttons, or black with mostly white buttons and a red button every so often for “pop”. (For a Heidi dress, naturally.)

In the meantime, I will just look at these buttons some much more (from the blog vintage and modern Unite):

What are your buttony thoughts?

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In Praise of ButtonsMay 8, 2010With 37 comments
Shirtwaist #2February 27, 2008
So easy. Sigh.June 2, 2007

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