But Can I measure Up?

February 26, 2022 0 Comments

I don’t normally make new year’s resolutions — I mostly just try again to do all the things I really, really indicated to do in the previous year — but if I were to make a resolution for 2009, it might be NOT to get new fabric until I’ve made a dent in the fabric I already have.

Okay, let’s see a show of hands from folks who have also made this resolution, in any year. (Hollow laughter optional.)

Of course, on the heels of that resolution, Stephanie kindly sends me this:

Wouldn’t this make just the cutest ever shirtdress? I would, however, draw the line (no pun intended) at pencil buttons, as I am not a teacher. (But if you wanted to, I wouldn’t judge. I’m not a judge, either.)

What would you make with this fabric? I know it’s not to everyone’s taste, so “set it on fire,” is a perfectly acceptable answer …

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